Metalsmith Academy Stone Setting Classes

If you're a fan of gemstones, we're going to make sure you have the skills to set them all!

If you want to start setting faceted stones, then flush setting is the best place to start. And thankfully, it really doesn’t need to be as complicated as it’s often feared to be. Following a few simple steps with mindfulness and accuracy will help you confidently master this modern setting style. Not only will we be showing you how, but we’ll also explain why – every step of the way. In my experience, that’s the most important part!

But of course it’s not just about flush setting! We’re going to take a dive into stone settings galore, to make sure that no matter what stone you have, we have a way to help you set it!

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Just a few of the projects we'll be diving into on your stone setting journey

tapered tube setting

Tapered Collet Settings

Prong setting

Prong Set Pendants

Octopus setting

Octopus Set Rings

Bead setting

Bead setting

We share hundreds of stone setting tips and tricks in our classes. Here are just a few......

How to use a bezel block - it's a video, click the bottom left to watch!

This one’s just a short excerpt from our online class – which comes with complete instructions on how to use these amazing tools!

Soldering rpongs

Prong settings

Creating U-shaped prongs which hold themselves in place for soldering can make prong setting a lot simpler.  And soldering these from the back of the setting ensures the minimum amount of clean up after soldering is required.  As always though, this isn’t the only way to solder prongs in place, and we’ve got you covered with a variety of techniques over at the Metalsmith Academy.

Needle burnishers

Needle Burnishers

We go into tonnes of detail on flush setting in our online class, however one thing that a lot of students struggle with is due to the fact they’re using a needle burnisher that is too large – seriously, size matters!  Of course, needle burnishers aren’t the only way to flush set stones – and we’ll show you a variety of methods over at the Metalsmith Academy.

These images aren’t from our class videos, they’re from the 40 to 80 page full-colour instructional guides that go along with every class. Our classes are created to ensure no matter how you learn best, we’ve got you covered!

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Discover how YOU can create quality jewellery with confidence today

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Want to Learn How to Make Jewellery?

Start with why!

By understanding the why and not just the how, learning to make quality jewellery can be so much simpler.  

Our number one mission is to make sure you understand why we do things the way we teach.  And of course, to make your jewellery making journey as uncomplicated, waffle-free and fun as possible.  

What do we get as a member of the
Metalsmith Academy?

We are listening to what you're struggling with and making videos and handouts to help you with exactly that - our stalking skills are on point!
A firm favorite with our current members, you'll never have to worry about where to start or what's next again. Everything is laid out in a logical step-by-step process.
Every couple of months we'll be releasing a brand new challenge! But what's a challenge without some ass-kicking prizes? (Seriously, think GRS MicroBlock and you're in the right ballpark).
If you're feeling a little lost for inspiration, have no fear, we have templates galore for you to use however you like - zero credit required!
Solutions to the problems causing you drama! These fast and furious videos are created to answer your questions fast
If you're feeling down on the motivation front, don't worry! Our supportive community forums, with members from all over the world, are here to help.
Gesswein, Otto Frei, Durston Tools, Pepe USA and SC Studios.... just some of the suppliers giving our members exclusive discounts.
Every morning Lucy and Vennice are over in the forums helping solve your dramas, and have a good gossip over coffee.

What our Metalsmith Academy Members are Saying......

Lucy Walker Metalsmith Academy is the most amazing, inspirational and brilliant learning experience I have ever known. The tutorial videos and handouts are so detailed and well explained it is as though you are in the same room as Lucy. One person commented on Instagram, ‘Lucy’s classes are awesome’, and they absolutely are! I intend to be a member for quite some time! Congratulations Lucy and your team, you are amazing.

Over 200 5-Star Facebook and Google Reviews

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